Student Experiences


CAHNRS clubs provide students leadership opportunities, industry networking, attendance at a local or national convention, and….fun! Yes, CAHNRS clubs always create fun, build life-long friendships, and make sure to back to their communities. Join a club related to your major—or branch out and learn about pigs, plants, and even wine!


Gain exposure to the industries of your future. Apply your new academic skills and knowledge in real-world problems. Evaluate companies or careers prior to getting that first job—“try before you buy” your future career. Improve your time management, communication, and interpersonal skills.

For more information visit our CAHNRS Internships webpage.

Study Abroad

Ireland, New Zealand, France, Guatemala…where would you like to go? AFS & IPS students have studied these places and more. Consider study abroad to enhance and transform your college experience—and even your life!

For more information visit the WSU Office of International Programs.